Thursday, 2 August 2012

Spiritual night.

         Hi everyone,got a couple of hours on my own tonight so I thought I would have a bit of spiritual time and enjoy with no disturbance.Few candles lit some insence burning and a american indian chant cd playing and I am in my little bit of heaven.The insence Im burning is from my favourite shop in Glastonbury Star Child and is my birth sign insene virgo.It smells lovely and takes me back to wandering around the little shops and streets in Glastonbury.I have got a book off the shelf that I bought in one of the little shops when I was there last year and am re reading it and love it The Hedge Witche's Way By Rae Beth. Little pussy cat Patchouli has sat with me curled up next to me on the sette until she heard a noise out the back of the house and off she went to dicover what it was.
      I will leave you now and get back to my book and enjoy a bit more me time before the men come in and think Iv lost the plot again,nothing the matter with loosing the plot is there?
    Love Jill xx

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

C is for cuties.

           C is for Cuties.For those of you that follow me know I am very proud of my three grandsons and every time I am with them my camera is in my hand I absolutely adore them,I cannot tell you how much I love them and these are just a very very few of the cute pics I have of them,if I posted every pic I have of them you would be looking for well over a week,lol. The little girl pic is of hubby's nephews little girl Leila she is adorable.Dougie her daddy is like a son to us so little Leila is just another little addition to our grandchildren.

                                           Three handsome chappies.
    Hope you like my pics and can see why I adore them so. Hope you are well,Love Jill xx